Tuesday, 3 February 2015

A #CoLabulous Fortnight - The prequel

Boys and girls, guess who's back. Me! I'm gonna try the blog thing again and this time I will keep it going.... promise.... Anyway, this is beside the point. It is once again that wonderful time of year we Trinity Laban students love, CoLab. This year I'm assigned to the CoLab Comms team which is a lot of work and runs throughout the entire fortnight as we market the entire festival period.

Due to a number of personal issues I was not involved in the first few meetings of the Comms team meaning that we now have one week before we start and, tbqh, I am concerned by the lack of activity and drive. The website has not been updated in a year, the twitter account sits dormant and there a couple of sporadic posts on the facebook page but nothing exciting. At this point there hasn't even been an email to introduce the comms team and no info has gone out. There is a LOT to be done!

My task for the week is to get the website up and running. I've spent the evening yesterday creating a new banner to go across the top which will go with the logo for this years festival. Here, take a look.

Nothing particularly fancy but I had a couple of arguments with my laptop while making it. My laptop won more than I did sadly.

I have also taken the initiative and come up with the hashtags for this year. We are using #CoLab2015 and #CoLabulous (it was late at night when I came up with this, shush).

Anyway, I think there is enough to be going on with, I will update you all soon.

Much Love xx

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